What X-Men?

What X-Men?

Everybody needs help or rescue sometimes in their life for one reason or another.  There are many forums to get assistance that is available to help you.  Whether it be doctors, teachers, decorators, stylists, counselors, firemen, herbalist, family, friend or/and God.  There are a lot more services for many areas of your life.  And it’s wonderful to see these people share their talents.

I admire people who have found their calling, their niche in this world.  Admiration with respect is cool when it assist you for your own destiny.  Seeking examples is wonderful to further enhance your potentials.

People relying on super heroes may get lost in another person’s perceptions or beliefs.  It can be from the view of their own idea or the one you idol.

Do you recognize who is helping you?  You may not recognize who is trying to help you.  A super hero doing a job may look weird and scary in that moment.  You may want to run from that which is trying to help you.

Sometimes what look right can look wrong and what looks wrong may be what is right to you.

‘We are the ones we have been waiting for.’ -Hopi Indian Saying-

So if you need outside assistance, help, saving then check your phone book  or goggle it.  At the same time or before you do anything, I like to to check in with my Heavenly Father, Creator, to guide me so I may get the right person to assist me.  You have to ask in order to receive.

‘And you ask, ‘what if I fail?”                                                                                                             ‘Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” -Erin Hanson

Wealth, Wellness & Whole is your’s if you desire, ask, & be.








You may not know when it happens to you. You are only doing your thang when it does happen to you.  It’s not bad and you like it.  You are intrigued that it happened so smoothly.  I bet you did not see it coming.  The turn of events that went in your favor.  The unexpected and awesome results, favors or actions.  That’s synchronicity!  The teasing of a symphony playing beautiful music.

Did you know somewhere before it happened that you thought it or spoke it out loud?  There was no resistance and no mental rebuttals.  It was like a wishful joke.  Pure spontaneity.  The goodness unexpectedly comes to you.  It’s a synchronize flow.

My husband and I like taking walks along the rivers, lakes or anything nature.  It’s a great way to re-energize.  Some of the parks require a fee at the entrance.  As we are driving to the booth, we see cars leaving the park.  I said jokingly one of these cars should pull over and give us their pass.  We laughed and proceeded to the entrance.  It was an honor system and we had to place our park fee into the envelope.  As we were looking for a pen to write on the envelope, a car pulls over and the driver gets out the car. And yes, he asked if we wanted their pass.  Oh yes, we do!  We thanked him and he drove out.  That was nice of the stranger and we were happy to be at the right place at the right time.  One of many examples of synchronicity, coincidences or luck.  I like it.  Serendipity at its best.

Here’s a word or two of caution.  It could go the other way too.  That is a time when you tell yourself to expect bad results or you keep repeating any bad scenes in your head/mind.  Then it happens in some sort of similar way.  The bad outcome.  A great time to rebuttal the mind is when the negative thought first appears in your mind.  You can start with questioning yourself.  Ask questions.  Why that thought?  How can it be better? Do I really believe that?  What do you really prefer?  Do you like fries with that shake?  Make it yummy.

What are you telling yourself?  What is going on in your mind?  Is it loving?  One must stay consistent on being aware of the thoughts running in your head.  And if you need to release sadness, then find time to do it by watching a sad movie you can cry to but know it is temporary.  I used to take a paper grocery bag and throw a glass into it so I could hear the glass shatter.  I enjoyed it and it would release the frustration then I would clean up my mess.  This was in my younger years…hormones.  It is better to purposely release low energy or emotions in a safe environment.  I felt better.  I found my way and you can find your way to harness your emotions.

Think about what you like in your life.  Be creative. Know  you can have a better life. Remember to enjoy your life.  Watch a funny movie, talk to a good friend(s), listen to good music, go for a walk.

We are the vibrations of our creations. Be the artist in your life.


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Quirky Rewards

Quirky Rewards

Your reactions to any situation can bring rewards, regrets, remedies or all the above.  Life teaches us many things on so many levels of the playing field.

It’s the force that is within you.  The force can be fierce, fun or frightening.  When the energy of the force feels like resistance then do yourself a favor by doing slow and deep breathing. You can repeat your favorite affirmations. You could jog in place in a radical way.  Shake the stagnate energy in order to feel better.  It’s all about feeling better in any given moment.

Here’s a method of pivoting your automatic thinking from stress to remedy. When an unexpected or forgotten bill comes in the mail and you already circulated your funds to other expenses.  This may feel like an obstacle course that needs to be jumped over but you rather jump on the bill.  You may start to panicky or stress about the bill.  This would be ideal time to breathe slow and deep.  It will get the oxygen to your brain and switch it on to solution mode. Then you start to ask yourself questions like ‘How will this bill get paid?’  The questioning will help the brain look for answers.  Questions in the right format is called AskForMations.  Did you know when you ask the right questions then the right answers will benefit you?  Interesting thought.  We do it all the time.  Instead of asking a question like ‘Will these bills ever stop?’ to ‘How is it that I can pay my bills?’  It’s a positive spin of affirmations into askformation.  The later question will generate some solutions.  This will allow some relief back into your body, releasing the resistance of anxiety and allow the answers to flow.  Then you could review & revise your budget and call the company to make negotiations.  And expect the best results in your favor. This is a quiet reward.

Another perception of this reward is buying power.  When you go shopping for that certain item and expect to pay a certain amount for that item and it’s on sale.  That’s a nice reward.  You may buy a lottery ticket and it turns out that your ticket is the jackpot winner.  That’s a sweet reward.  It’s rewarding when find a great auto mechanic and the price for repairing your vehicle is below cost. That could feel like a little heaven in your life. You had to be thinking of the right questions to get the right answer that fits you. It’s nice to know that if you ask for it then you should expect the answer.

Reflections on past memories can bring up many feelings and meanings. The mind can replay any thoughts. Thoughts of good times will bring on feelings of joy and appreciations.  Those are the ones that will deliver quiet rewards like more good feelings.  The saying ‘like attracts like’ is true.  When you feel good it seems more goodies come your way. The attention to negative reflections will quietly sneak in more walls on your path.  The ocean of emotions rolls in many types of waves.

Life teaches us about consequences due to our thinking.  Life is teaching us about what happens when you react to your world.  There are no judgements on how to choose but the consequences do bring results whether you like it or not like it.  We are living to learn what is good for our self. Thinking better thoughts.  ‘How is it that I am a wonderful thinker of thoughts?”  That may sound silly but it feels good to think it.

I hope one of your choices is to live in harmony with yourself, your surroundings and environment.  We can have many rewards by creating beauty in everything we do, say and think.

We are all in this world to be the best as an individual and or group. The free will that you have is choices and that is an awesome gift. It’s an awesome reward too.


Obvious Pleasures

Obvious Pleasures

“Let yourself be drawn by the strange pull of what you love.  It will not lead you astray.”     -Rumi

What do you enjoy?  What do you like?  Do you have a hobby?  You may have many purposes through out your life.   You may already know what pleases your buttons.

Everyone is not optimistic about their journey.  When life’s events seem to give you pain then it’s a definite sign to change.  A person should observe the past paths and events then start to make plans for better options.  Sometimes change takes time.  As long as you are not forcing your change on someone else then keep on pursuing the change.  It’s obvious that you are here to create wonderful purposes in life.  It will tickle your soul.

Ask yourself questions like ‘how, why, where’ and be open to the soft, quiet answers that comes across your mind.  When the mind is critical, it’s not the right answers.  Laugh it off because answers only come with love.  You will feel at peace and ready to move in the direction of your answers/solutions.  Passions will motivate you.  Your energy will magnify and attract more pazazz and opportunities into your life relating to your interest.

Those obvious pleasures will fill your life if you stop ignoring the joy.

Stay focus, remind yourself that you are here to love, be love and enjoy love.





Moody News

Moody News

In the magical newspaper is an article that reads, ‘Extra! Extra! Hear all about it! Free and Yummy Food For You!’ That would be worthy news. That kind of news is something to check out.  It may cause a great appreciation for free and yummy food. And it says ‘more then enough for everyone’.  It would make you feel good to be able to get some free food.

Good news worth listening may benefit you and give you some wonderful feelings. News of gloom event will give feelings of heaviness and illness.  Those feelings are your emotional thermostat. When you respond to something or someone with favorable or indifferent is like a roller coaster ride. Your emotions are indicators with the highs and lows.

The mind is always got some chattering going on. What you are thinking?  Listen to the news in your head. Is it good or bad? Is it harmonious like music or is it negative like poison? Sometimes bad news comes around.  It is still important how you respond to you.  It’s good to keep some compassion in your back pocket.  Your reaction can help or hinder the situation. We don’t always have to respond at that moment.

Pay attention to the news around you and in your mind.

Ask yourself if it’s worth your time. Follow your heart’s desire which is to be at peace and joyful.

Ask yourself, How? Keep your radar indicator pointed to good feeling scale. Answers come when you are not stressing. ‘Be open to receive your answers, gifts, changes and blessings. This magical news will come personally to you.

It will take a lot of practicing to check yourself, be aware of what you take in so that your output is most beneficial causing magnificent results.  You will have more energy and creativity for all that matters.

Enjoy the journey.