Quirky Rewards

Quirky Rewards

Your reactions to any situation can bring rewards, regrets, remedies or all the above.  Life teaches us many things on so many levels of the playing field.

It’s the force that is within you.  The force can be fierce, fun or frightening.  When the energy of the force feels like resistance then do yourself a favor by doing slow and deep breathing. You can repeat your favorite affirmations. You could jog in place in a radical way.  Shake the stagnate energy in order to feel better.  It’s all about feeling better in any given moment.

Here’s a method of pivoting your automatic thinking from stress to remedy. When an unexpected or forgotten bill comes in the mail and you already circulated your funds to other expenses.  This may feel like an obstacle course that needs to be jumped over but you rather jump on the bill.  You may start to panicky or stress about the bill.  This would be ideal time to breathe slow and deep.  It will get the oxygen to your brain and switch it on to solution mode. Then you start to ask yourself questions like ‘How will this bill get paid?’  The questioning will help the brain look for answers.  Questions in the right format is called AskForMations.  Did you know when you ask the right questions then the right answers will benefit you?  Interesting thought.  We do it all the time.  Instead of asking a question like ‘Will these bills ever stop?’ to ‘How is it that I can pay my bills?’  It’s a positive spin of affirmations into askformation.  The later question will generate some solutions.  This will allow some relief back into your body, releasing the resistance of anxiety and allow the answers to flow.  Then you could review & revise your budget and call the company to make negotiations.  And expect the best results in your favor. This is a quiet reward.

Another perception of this reward is buying power.  When you go shopping for that certain item and expect to pay a certain amount for that item and it’s on sale.  That’s a nice reward.  You may buy a lottery ticket and it turns out that your ticket is the jackpot winner.  That’s a sweet reward.  It’s rewarding when find a great auto mechanic and the price for repairing your vehicle is below cost. That could feel like a little heaven in your life. You had to be thinking of the right questions to get the right answer that fits you. It’s nice to know that if you ask for it then you should expect the answer.

Reflections on past memories can bring up many feelings and meanings. The mind can replay any thoughts. Thoughts of good times will bring on feelings of joy and appreciations.  Those are the ones that will deliver quiet rewards like more good feelings.  The saying ‘like attracts like’ is true.  When you feel good it seems more goodies come your way. The attention to negative reflections will quietly sneak in more walls on your path.  The ocean of emotions rolls in many types of waves.

Life teaches us about consequences due to our thinking.  Life is teaching us about what happens when you react to your world.  There are no judgements on how to choose but the consequences do bring results whether you like it or not like it.  We are living to learn what is good for our self. Thinking better thoughts.  ‘How is it that I am a wonderful thinker of thoughts?”  That may sound silly but it feels good to think it.

I hope one of your choices is to live in harmony with yourself, your surroundings and environment.  We can have many rewards by creating beauty in everything we do, say and think.

We are all in this world to be the best as an individual and or group. The free will that you have is choices and that is an awesome gift. It’s an awesome reward too.